Monday, 15 March 2010

A day in Teotitlan de Valle

Went to a village near Oaxaca, Mexico, called Teotitlan de Valle, which is renowned for its natural dyeing and hand weaving. Spent time with a family seeing how they produce the yarns and use natural dyes to weave with and create all sorts of artifacts. I couldn´t resist buying a beautiful orangey yarn dyed with Cochineal to knit something with!
I leant about many kinds of natural dyes and how they fix the colour with lime juice.
There are lots of other villages around Oaxaca, each known for producing different crafts e.g basket weaving, wood carving, black pottery. I am doing a week of much needed Spanish school but I hope to visit some more villages throughout the week.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Arrived in Mexico City!

Arrived in Mexico City on Sunday. Had a busy few days exploring the city-love it! The people are so friendly and it´s not half as polluted and scary as the write ups say!
So much to see and do-espicially art galleries. Visited Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo museums. Frida Kahlo´s was right up my street set in a beautiful part of the city, with colourful houses and tree lined sunny roads. I´m starting a sketch book to document my findings and will post some pictures when I´ve been here for longer.

Wooden Chandelier

Wooden Chandelier
Maison et Objet exhibiton. A bespoke commission for Liberty London came from this show.