Well, it's been a while, where has the time gone?!
I am now settled in Tortola (BVI's) gathering my thoughts from the past year, working on some new ideas and just enjoying being in one place for a while.
I am currently exhibiting a selection of lamps in 'Aragorns Studio' Trellis Bay, Tortola.
Things have been harder to achieve than I hoped here, 'Island time' is the common phrase and there seems to be a hurdle at every turn! But I'm learning to deal with it and I managed to get hold of some reclaimed fabrics and lamps etc from various 'dumpsters' and thrift shops to get the ball rolling.
The products so far have not been new ideas, but a selection of old concepts to just get going with something!! I am now beginning to work on some new ideas, taking inspiration from my exciting adventures of this year.
In the new year I am hoping to get involved in 'Green VI' where one aspect is working with recycled glass-which will be a new material for me. Also, I am beginning to learn some new techniques with wood carving and building. Watch this space! In the mean time I hope you enjoy having a mooch at the images below.
Have a great Christmas!