Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Bathroom interior ideas

Can't believe we're at the stage to decide on tiles and decor for bathrooms- a little daunting knowing where to start, as there's so much choice, but I already had a bit of a theme in my head... Relaxed/Spain! So I'll need lots of tiles- these don't come cheap, so I'll be looking of a cheats way to achieve my desired look, at a low cost!

I love these moroccan tiles, but they are so expensive, we'd even considered a trip to Spain to buy tiles, but we havnt got the time now.
So I've been thinking how I could replicate a similar feel...
I've found these tiles, and thought they could be laid in a diagonal pattern. 
I love this flooring by Odessey, but again on the pricey side, so I'm on the hunt for a similar style to create the design I'm after. 
I've found a lovely company 
Which I plan to get decorative tiles to do a bath panel and boarders with. 
I've just ordered samples, and then I'll be creating a proper mood board.

I've also got hold of an old pine wash stand which I'll set a sink into, and fix brass taps.

These are the final chosen tiles/colours. 
I chose greens as I wanted a calm feel-
I'm thinking I may change the top paint colour, a sit feels a bit cold, although I'm sure once I've added towels, bath mat etc, it will start to feel less like a stark show room! 

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Wooden Chandelier

Wooden Chandelier
Maison et Objet exhibiton. A bespoke commission for Liberty London came from this show.